更新时间:2024-04-14 20:50作者:小编
英文释义:to stand out; to excel; to achieve great success
chū rén tóu dì (IPA: tʂʰuː ɻən tʰoʊ di)
1. 他从小就展现了过人的才华,在音乐界出人头地。
He showed exceptional talents from a young age and stood out in the music industry.
2. 这家公司凭借着创新的产品,在市场上出人头地,迅速成为行业领者。
With its innovative products, this company has excelled in the market and quickly become a leader in the industry.
3. 她勤奋努力,终于在国际比赛中出人头地,获得了金牌。
She worked hard and finally stood out in the international competition, winning a gold medal.
4. 这部电影的特效非常出色,可以说是在同类电影中出人头地。
The special effects of this movie are outstanding, making it stand out among other films of the same genre.
5. 随着科技的发展,越来越多的年轻人有机会在创业领域中出人头地。
With the development of technology, more and more young people have the opportunity to excel in the field of entrepreneurship.
1. 超凡脱俗 (chāo fán tuō sú):指某个人或事物具有非凡的才华或表现突出,在众人中脱颖而出。
2. 杰出 (jié chū):形容某个人或事物在某方面表现突出,卓越。
3. 突出 (tū chū):指某个人或事物在众多同类当中表现突出,显著。
4. 一鸣惊人 (yī míng jīng rén):指某个人或事物在某个场合中表现出色,引起轰动。
5. 闪耀 (shǎn yào):形容某个人或事物在众多同类当中发出光芒,显眼。