

更新时间:2024-04-14 21:17作者:小编


Out of character (meaning)

The term "out of character" refers to a situation where a character or player in a performance or game does not follow the prescribed storyline or rules, but instead takes actions that are unexpected and disrupt the overall atmosphere and balance.


英 [aʊt əv ˈkærəktə(r)]

美 [aʊt əv ˈkærəktɚ]

Usage (用法)

"出戏" is often used in the context of theater, film, television, and other performances. It can also be used in the context of games, such as role-playing games or video games. It is usually used to describe a situation where someone's actions do not match their assigned role or character.


1. 我们排练了数周,但是有一个演员总是出戏,让整个剧组都感到很困惑。

We rehearsed for weeks, but one actor kept going out of character, which left the entire cast confused.

2. 在这部电影中,主角的出戏让观众们大笑不止。

The protagonist's out-of-character antics had the audience laughing non-s in this film.

3. 在这个角色扮演游戏中,如果你出戏太多次,就会被踢出游戏。

In this role-playing game, if you go out of character too many times, you will be kicked out of the game.

4. 作为一名演员,我尽力避免出戏,以保持剧组的专业性。

As an actor, I try my best to avoid going out of character in order to maintain the professionalism of the cast.

5. 这位选手的出戏让裁判员难以判断他是否违反了比赛规则。

The player's out-of-character behavior made it difficult for the referees to determine if he had violated the rules of the game.


1. 脱离角色 (tuō lí jué sè):literally "to break away from one's role," this phrase is often used interchangeably with "出戏" in Chinese.

2. 不合时宜 (bù hé shí yí):literally "not fitting for the occasion," this phrase can also be used to describe someone's actions that are inappropriate or unexpected in a certain situation.

3. 失控 (shī kòng):literally "out of control," this phrase can be used to describe someone's behavior that is unpredictable and disrupts the normal flow of things.

4. 背景不符 (bèi jǐng bù fú):literally "inconsistent with one's background," this phrase is often used to describe a character or player who behaves in a way that does not match their assigned background or role.

5. 扰乱秩序 (rǎo luàn zhì xù):literally "to disrupt the order," this phrase can be used to describe someone's actions that cause chaos and disorder in a performance or game.





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