更新时间:2024-04-14 23:16作者:小编
怎么读(音标):lì lìng zhì hūn
1. 他被金钱的诱惑利令智昏,最终陷入了犯罪的深渊。
He was blinded by the temptation of money and eventually fell into the abyss of crime.
2. 这个政客为了谋取私利,不顾一切地利令智昏,最终招致了众怒。
This politician, in pursuit of personal gain, turned a blind eye to everything and eventually incurred public anger.
3. 这家公司的高管们因为巨额的奖金而利令智昏,导致了公司的巨额亏损。
The executives of this company were blinded by huge bonuses, resulting in massive losses for the company.
4. 有些年轻人因为追求时尚和名牌而利令智昏,导致了过度消费和负债累累。
Some young people are blinded by the pursuit of fashion and luxury brands, leading to excessive consumption and heavy debt.
5. 他的朋友们都劝他不要被利益所蒙蔽,不要被利令智昏,但他还是选择了走上邪路。
His friends advised him not to be blinded by interests, not to be led astray, but he still chose to go down the wrong path.
1. 利欲熏心:形容人因为贪图利益而心志不正,做出不义之事。
2. 贪婪无度:形容人因为贪婪而无法满足,追求更多的物质利益。
3. 迷恋物质:形容人因为迷恋物质而忽视道德和良知。
4. 醉心权势:形容人因为迷恋权力而不择手段,甚至不顾道德和法律。
5. 被金钱蒙蔽:形容人因为金钱的诱惑而失去理智。