更新时间:2024-04-15 03:05作者:小编
北方联盟(The Northern Alliance)是阿富汗历史上曾存在过的一个组织,由塔吉克族、乌兹别克族和哈扎拉族等武装组成,与政权对抗。
北方联盟 [běi fāng lián méng]
1. 北方联盟可以指代任何由北方地区或组成的、经济或联盟。
2. 在阿富汗历史上,北方联盟指代特定的武装组织。
3. 也可以用来形容两个或多个北方地区或之间的紧密合作关系。
1. The Northern Alliance was formed to counter the threat of the Taliban in Afghanistan.
2. The countries in the northern hemisphere have formed an alliance to address climate change.
3. The Northern Alliance was able to overthrow the Taliban regime in Afghanistan with the help of US airstrikes.
4. The Northern Alliance is made up of various ethnic groups, including Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Hazaras.
5. Canada and Norway have formed a northern alliance to protect their shared interests in the Arctic region.
1. 北方同盟 (North Alliance)
2. 北方合作组织 (Northern Cooperation Organization)