更新时间:2024-04-15 03:59作者:小编
What does the Noon-Esner test mean (Chinese-English) explanation:
The Noon-Esner test is a method used to detect allergic reactions to certain substances in the human body. It involves applying the test substance to the skin and observing whether any allergic symptoms occur, in order to determine the degree of sensitivity to that substance.
午非-埃斯内尔氏试验的英文发音为“nuːn ˈɛsnər tɛst”。
How to read (phonetic):
The English pronunciation of Noon-Esner test is "nuːn ˈɛsnər tɛst".
The Noon-Esner test is mainly used for diagnosing allergic diseases such as hay fever and asthma. It can help doctors determine the level of sensitivity to specific substances in patients, and thus develop more effective treatment plans.
1. 午非-埃斯内尔氏试验是一种简单而有效的过敏检测方法。
The Noon-Esner test is a simple yet effective method for detecting allergies.
2. 医生建议我做午非-埃斯内尔氏试验来确认我是否对花粉过敏。
The doctor recommended that I do the Noon-Esner test to confirm if I am allergic to pollen.
3. 我的午非-埃斯内尔氏试验结果显示我对猫毛有轻微的过敏反应。
My Noon-Esner test results showed a mild allergic reaction to cat hair.
4. 由于我的午非-埃斯内尔氏试验结果呈阳性,医生给我开了抗过敏药物。
As my Noon-Esner test showed a positive result, the doctor prescribed me anti-allergy medication.
5. 他拒绝做午非-埃斯内尔氏试验,因为害怕可能会出现严重的过敏反应。
He refused to do the Noon-Esner test out of fear of a severe allergic reaction.
The Noon-Esner test is also known as skin prick test or scratch test. They are all methods used to detect allergic reactions, with slight differences in the way they are performed.