

更新时间:2024-04-15 15:07作者:小编


How to read: xiàng shàng fēi (pinyin: xiàng shàng fēi)

Usage: 向上飞 can be used as a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means "to fly upwards" or "to soar". As an adjective, it describes something or someone that is flying upwards.

Example Sentences:

1. 鸟儿展开双翅,向上飞去,追逐着天空中的自由。(Birds spread their wings and fly upwards, chasing the freedom in the sky.)

2. 小孩子们在草地上放飞着纸风筝,看着它们向上飞翔的姿态,欢呼雀跃。(Children release paper kites on the grass, cheering and jumping as they watch them soar upwards.)

3. 流星划过夜空,向上飞去,留下一道美丽的光芒。(The shooting star streaked across the night sky, flying upwards and leaving behind a beautiful trail of light.)

4. 这只蜻蜓不断地向上飞,似乎在寻找着什么。(The dragonfly kept flying upwards, as if searching for something.)

5. 他的事业一路向上,如今已经成为一名成功的企业家。(His career has been soaring upwards and he has now become a successful entrepreneur.)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 飞升 (fēi shēng): to ascend; to rise up

Example: 他通过不懈的努力,终于飞升到了高管的位置。(Through relentless efforts, he finally ascended to a senior executive position.)

2. 腾空 (téng kōng): to soar; to fly high

Example: 热气球在蓝天上腾空而起,带着乘客们俯瞰美丽的风景。(The hot air balloon soared into the blue sky, taking passengers on a tour of the beautiful scenery.)

3. 升腾 (shēng téng): to rise; to ascend

Example: 白色的烟雾从火山口升腾而起,形成了壮观的景象。(White smoke rose from the volcano, creating a spectacular scene.)

4. 飞跃 (fēi yuè): to leap; to jump

Example: 这个经济发展迅速,一跃成为世界强国。(This country's economy has developed rapidly and it has leaped into a world power.)

5. 起飞 (qǐ fēi): to take off

Example: 飞机在跑道上加速起飞,向上飞去。(The airplane accelerated on the runway and took off, flying upwards.)

Editor's Summary:

向上飞 is a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts. It can describe physical movement or personal growth and success. Its synonyms also have similar meanings but may be more specific in certain situations. As an editor, it is important to understand the subtle differences between these words and choose the most appropriate one for the context. Remember to always use proper pinyin and provide examples to make the definition more clear and understandable.




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2024-04-15 15:04


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后退(hòu tuì):指向后方移动,或者从某种状态、位置或观点回到之前的状态、位置或观点。怎么读(音标)后退(hòu tuì):[hòu tuì]用法1. 作为动词,表示向后移动。2. 作为名词,指向后

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