

更新时间:2024-04-15 23:24作者:小编

囫囵吞枣(hú lún tūn zǎo)是一个常用的成语,形容人对知识或信息的接受能力很差,无法理解和消化,就像是把一颗颗整个地吞下去一样。这个成语也可以用来形容做事不认真、不仔细、不专心。

How to pronounce: hú lún tūn zǎo


1. 这个学生对课堂上老师讲的内容总是囫囵吞枣,难怪考试经常不及格。

This student always has a poor understanding of what the teacher says in class, no wonder he often fails the exams.

2. 我们需要认真学习,而不是只是囫囵吞枣地阅读教科书。

We need to study diligently, not just skim through the textbooks.

3. 他对这个项目的计划只是简单地看了一遍,完全没有理解其中的细节,简直就是囫囵吞枣。

He only took a quick glance at the plan for this project and didn't understand any of the details, it's like he just swallowed it whole without chewing.

4. 她每次听完音乐会都会给出一个囫囵吞枣的评论,根本就没听懂音乐家想要表达的意思。

After every concert, she would give a vague comment that shows she didn't understand what the musician was trying to convey at all.

5. 这本书的内容很深奥,需要反复阅读才能消化,不能只是囫囵吞枣地读一遍就算了。

The content of this book is very profound, it requires repeated reading to digest, you can't just skim through it and call it a day.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 草草了事(cǎo cǎo liǎo shì): to do something in a careless and hasty way, without paying attention to details.

Example: 他总是草草了事,做出来的东西质量很差。

He always rushes through things and the quality of his work is poor.

2. 浅尝辄止(qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ): to only have a shallow understanding of something without delving deeper into it.

Example: 他对这个问题浅尝辄止,没有认真研究过。

He only has a superficial understanding of this issue, he hasn't studied it seriously.

3. 粗枝大叶(cū zhī dà yè): to be careless and negligent in handling things.

Example: 她做事粗枝大叶,经常会出错。

She is careless in her work and often makes mistakes.

4. 漫不经心(màn bù jīng xīn): to be indifferent or apathetic towards something.

Example: 他对自己的工作漫不经心,所以经常会出错。

He is indifferent towards his work, so he often makes mistakes.

5. 草率从事(cǎo shuài cóng shì): to do something in a hasty and careless manner.

Example: 他草率从事这项工作,结果出现了很多问题。

He did this job in a hasty and careless manner, which resulted in many problems.

Editor's note:




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