

更新时间:2024-04-16 22:54作者:小编



inch forward and retreat a foot, meaning:

Inch forward and retreat a foot means that in doing things, only by being careful and cautious can we achieve greater success. The meaning of this idiom is that when doing things, we must be careful and cautious, and not act rashly, otherwise it may backfire.


寸进尺退的拼音为 cùn jìn chǐ tuì,读音为 [tsun jin chuh tway]。

How to read (phonetic notation):

The pinyin of inch forward and retreat a foot is cùn jìn chǐ tuì, with the pronunciation [tsun jin chuh tway].




Inch forward and retreat a foot is generally used to describe a person who needs to be careful and cautious when doing things, and cannot act rashly. It can also be used to describe something that needs to be done carefully to avoid negative consequences.


1. 做事情要寸进尺退,不能急躁冒进。

In doing things, we must inch forward and retreat a foot, and cannot act rashly.

2. 他在工作中总是寸进尺退,所以取得了很好的成绩。

He always inches forward and retreats a foot in his work, so he has achieved good results.

3. 在处理这件事情时,我们必须要寸进尺退,以免出现意外情况。

In dealing with this matter, we must inch forward and retreat a foot to avoid unexpected situations.

4. 她是一个非常谨慎小心的人,做事情总是寸进尺退。

She is a very careful person, always inching forward and retreating a foot when doing things.

5. 老师告诉学生们要学会寸进尺退的做事方法,才能取得更好的成绩。

The teacher told the students to learn the method of inching forward and retreating a foot in order to achieve better results.

1-5 sentences with Chinese-English translation:

1. 做事情要寸进尺退,不能急躁冒进。

In doing things, we must inch forward and retreat a foot, and cannot act rashly.

2. 他在工作中总是寸进尺退,所以取得了很好的成绩。

He always inches forward and retreats a foot in his work, so he has achieved good results.

3. 在处理这件事情时,我们必须要寸进尺退,以免出现意外情况。

In dealing with this matter, we must inch forward and retreat a foot to avoid unexpected situations.

4. 她是一个非常谨慎小心的人,做事情总是寸进尺退。

She is a very careful person, always inching forward and retreating a foot when doing things.

5. 老师告诉学生们要学会寸进尺退的做事方法,才能取得更好的成绩。

The teacher told the students to learn the method of inching forward and retreating a foot in order to achieve better results.


1. 小心翼翼:形容做事谨慎小心,类似于寸进尺退。

2. 谨慎行事:指在做事时要谨慎小心,避免出错或遭受损失。

3. 深思熟虑:形容做事之前经过深思熟虑,不会轻率决定。

4. 三思而后行:指在做事之前要三思而后行,不可冒然行动。

5. 留有余地:表示在做某件事情时留有余地,以防万一。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Carefully: describes being careful and cautious when doing things, similar to inch forward and retreat a foot.

2. Act cautiously: means being careful and cautious when doing things to avoid mistakes or losses.

3. Ponder deeply: describes thinking deeply before doing things, not making rash decisions.

4. Think twice before acting: means thinking twice before doing things, not acting impulsively.

5. Leave room for maneuver: means leaving room for maneuver when doing something in case of unexpected situations.



Editor's summary:

Inch forward and retreat a foot is an adjective used to describe a person who needs to be careful and cautious when doing things, and cannot act rashly. Its meaning is that when doing things, one must be careful and cautious, otherwise it may backfire. This idiom is quite flexible in usage, it can be used to describe individual behavior or to describe something that needs to be done carefully. Synonyms include carefully, acting cautiously, pondering deeply, thinking twice before acting, and leaving room for maneuver. Using this idiom in writing can make the article more vivid and powerful, but attention should be paid to its usage and context to avoid inappropriate use.



一:寸草春晖是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思:寸草春晖是一个成语,指微小的事物也能带来希望和光明。它的英文翻译为“A ray of hope”,意为“一线希望”。二:怎么读(音标):寸草春晖的拼

2024-04-16 22:51


寸步难行(cùn bù nán xíng)是一个成语,指的是在困难重重、前途艰险的情况下,每向前迈出一步都十分艰难。它可以用来形容事情进展缓慢、困难重重,也可以用来形容个人在面对挑

2024-04-16 22:49



2024-04-16 22:48



2024-04-16 22:47


意思:寰球是指地球,也可以指代整个宇宙。怎么读(音标):huán qiú [huán qiú]用法:寰球一般作为名词使用,可用于描述地球、宇宙或者整个世界。也可以作为修饰词,如寰球文明、寰球

2024-04-16 22:45



2024-04-16 22:44
