更新时间:2024-04-17 13:53作者:小编
德容兼备(dé róng jiān bèi)是一个成语,由“德”、“容”、“兼”、“备”四个汉字组成。这个成语的意思是指一个人具备良好的品德和美好的外表,也可以形容一个人在品德和外表方面都十分出色。
dé róng jiān bèi (注意“r”和“j”的发音)
1. 她不仅长得美丽动人,而且内心善良温柔,真是德容兼备。
She is not only beautiful, but also kind and gentle. She is truly a person with both inner and outer beauty.
2. 这家餐厅的菜肴不仅味道鲜美,而且摆盘精致,可谓是德容兼备。
The dishes in this restaurant are not only delicious, but also beautifully presented. It can be said to have both good taste and appearance.
3. 他虽然身处高位,却一直保持着谦虚谨慎的态度,真是德容兼备的典范。
Although he holds a high position, he always maintains a humble and cautious attitude. He is truly an example of being both virtuous and graceful.
4. 这幅画的色彩搭配十分和谐,线条流畅,德容兼备,令人赏心悦目。
The colors and lines in this painting are harmonious and smooth, with both good quality and appearance, which is pleasing to the eye.
5. 她是一位德容兼备的女性,不仅在事业上取得了巨大成就,也积极参与公益活动,受到了社会各界的尊重和爱戴。
She is a woman with both inner and outer beauty, who has achieved great success in her career and actively participates in charity work. She is respected and loved by people from all walks of life.
1. 德才兼备:指一个人不仅具有良好的品德和外表,还具备出色的才能和能力。
2. 仪表堂堂:形容一个人外表端庄大方。
3. 风度翩翩:形容一个人举止优雅、风姿绰约。
4. 完美无缺:指某件事物在各个方面都十分完美。