更新时间:2024-04-17 16:54作者:小编
Thinking refers to the process of human brain thinking, reasoning, judging and decision-making. It is an important ability for humans to understand the world and solve problems. It includes various mental activities such as perception, memory, imagination, and reasoning, and is a basic ability that humans are born with.
1. My thinking is that we should take a break before continuing our discussion. (我的想法是我们应该休息一下再继续讨论。)
2. The child's thinking ability has greatly improved after attending the critical thinking class. (孩子参加了批判性思维课程后,他的思维能力有了很大提高。)
3. The scientist's groundbreaking discovery was a result of his creative thinking. (科学家开拓性的是他创造性思维的结果。)
4. Her thinking on this matter is different from mine. (她对这件事的想法与我不同。)
5. The company's success can be attributed to its innovative thinking and bold decisions. (公司的成功归功于其创新思维和大胆决策。)
1. cognition: 指人类获取知识和理解世界的能力,强调通过感知、思考等过程来认识事物。
2. mindset: 指个人或团体对事物的看法、态度和观点,常用于描述某种特定的思维模式。
3. intellect: 指人类智力和理解能力,强调通过推理、分析等方式来解决问题。
4. thought process: 指人类进行思考和推理的过程,常用于描述某个具体问题或情况下的思维过程。
5. mentality: 指个人或群体的心理状态、态度和想法,常用于描述某种特定类型的思维方式。