更新时间:2024-04-19 00:32作者:小编
1. 晃动,摇晃,使不稳定。
1. 他的手抖得厉害,一下子把杯子晃翻了。
His hands were shaking badly and he accidentally knocked over the cup.
2. 风吹得树枝不停地晃动。
The wind made the branches sway constantly.
2. (比喻)使人心神不宁,感到不安。
1. 这个消息让我心里晃来晃去的,无法安心工作。
This news has been unsettling me and I can't focus on my work.
2. 她的话让我心里晃荡了很久。
Her words have been lingering in my mind for a long time.
3. (比喻)摆脱困境或难题。
1. 他终于找到了一条出路,摆脱了自己一直以来的困境。
He finally found a way out and escaped from his long-standing predicament.
2. 我们需要想出一个办法来解决这个问题,不能一直被困在这里晃下去。
We need to come up with a solution to solve this problem, we can't keep being stuck here.
4. (方言)闪烁,反光。也可用作名词“晃儿”。
1. 太阳下山了,天空中的星星开始晃闪。
The sun has set and the stars in the sky are starting to twinkle.
2. 这块宝石晃得我眼睛都睁不开了。
This gem is so shiny it's blinding my eyes.
1. 摇动(yáo dòng):指来回移动或震动。
2. 摇摆(yáo bǎi):指来回摆动,也可比喻为犹豫不决。
3. 摇晃(yáo huàng):指来回晃动,也可比喻为心神不宁。
4. 摇荡(yáo dàng):指来回摇曳,也可比喻为心里不稳定。