更新时间:2024-04-19 01:47作者:小编
曲突徙薪(qū tū xǐ xīn)是一句成语,意为通过改变策略或方法来解决问题。它的出处可以追溯到《战国策·魏策一》:“曲则全,直则廉,徙薪曰火。”这句话的意思是说在面对困难时,要灵活变通,采取不同的方法来解决问题。
1. 他们在面对市场竞争时,不断曲突徙薪,最终成功地打开了新的销售渠道。
They constantly changed their strategies in the face of market competition and finally opened up new sales channels successfully.
2. 面对学习上的困难,我们应该学会曲突徙薪,寻找更有效的学习方法。
When faced with difficulties in learning, we should learn to be flexible and find more effective learning methods.
3. 在改革开放中,始终坚持曲突徙薪的思想,在实践中不断探索适合自己发展的道路。
In the process of reform and opening up, the Chinese government has always adhered to the idea of being flexible and seeking new ways to adapt to its own development.
4. 有时候,我们需要曲突徙薪来应对变化无常的生活。
Sometimes, we need to be flexible and change our methods to cope with the unpredictable changes in life.
5. 面对,各国都在不断曲突徙薪,寻找最有效的防控措施。
Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world are constantly changing their strategies and seeking the most effective measures for prevention and control.