更新时间:2024-04-19 03:58作者:小编
未雨绸缪(wèi yǔ chóu móu)的意思是提前做好准备,预先防范可能发生的事情。这个成语源自古代的一则寓言故事,故事中有一个农夫在天气晴朗的时候就开始修筑水利工程,以备不时之需。这个成语也可以用来形容做事谨慎、善于预见未来。
未雨绸缪:wèi yǔ chóu móu
1. 他知道大雨即将来临,所以提前采取了措施,真是未雨绸缪啊!
He knew that heavy rain was coming, so he took measures beforehand. He really was well-prepared!
2. 公司领导总是善于未雨绸缪,在市场变化之前就已经制定出应对策略。
The company's leaders are always good at being prepared in advance and have already formulated strategies before the market changes.
3. 作为一名优秀的项目经理,她总是能够未雨绸缪,避免项目出现意外情况。
As an excellent project manager, she is always able to make preparations in advance and avoid unexpected situations in the project.
4. 老师提醒学生们要未雨绸缪,提前复习功课,以免考试前临时抱佛脚。
The teacher reminded students to be well-prepared and review their homework in advance, so as not to cram for the exam at the last minute.
5. 在竞争激烈的市场中,企业必须要有未雨绸缪的意识,才能在变化多端的环境中立于不败之地。
In a highly competitive market, companies must have a sense of being prepared in advance in order to stand firm in the ever-changing environment.
1. 有备无患:形容事先做好准备,避免后悔。
2. 预见未来:指能够提前预见可能发生的事情。
3. 预先防范:指提前采取措施防范可能发生的事情。
4. 防患于未然:指在危险来临之前采取措施以防止危险发生。