更新时间:2024-04-19 16:59作者:小编
英文翻译:Mao Ren (Chinese) Explanation
Mao Ren is a Chinese word that refers to the state of having fine, soft, elastic and shiny hair. In daily life, we often use it to describe the texture of human or animal hair.
毛稔的拼音为“máo rěn”,其中“máo”读作第一声,“rěn”读作第三声。
1. 形容人或动物的毛发质地。
2. 也可比喻某种物品具有柔软、光滑、弹性等特性。
1. 她拥有一头浓密而柔顺的黑发,真让人羡慕她那种毛稔。
She has thick and smooth black hair, which makes people envy her fine hair texture.
2. 这只小猫身上的皮毛十分细腻,摸起来真是一种享受,它的毛稔让人忍不住想抚摸。
The fur of this little cat is very delicate, it feels like a pleasure to touch, its fine hair texture makes people can't help but want to stroke it.
3. 这家酒店的床上用品都是采用高品质的棉质材料,柔软光滑,给客人带来舒适的睡眠体验。
The bedding in this hotel is made of high-quality cotton material, soft and smooth, providing guests with a comfortable sleeping experience.
4. 她的头发经过烫染后变得干枯毛糙,丝毫没有了原来的毛稔感。
After her hair was dyed and permed, it became dry and rough, completely losing its original fine hair texture.
5. 这种面料具有很好的弹性和光泽,穿起来非常舒适,真是一种享受。
This fabric has good elasticity and luster, wearing it is very comfortable, it is truly a pleasure.
1. 毛茸茸:形容毛发长而密集,有些粗糙的状态。如“小狗的毛茸茸的,摸起来很舒服”。
2. 柔顺:形容物体表面光滑、柔软。如“这条丝巾摸起来很柔顺”。
3. 光滑:指表面平整、没有凹凸不平。如“这块石头经过打磨后变得光滑”。
4. 弹性:指物体能够恢复原状的能力。如“这种材料具有很好的弹性,不容易变形”。
5. 光泽:指物体表面反射出的光亮。如“这块玉石的光泽非常美丽”。