更新时间:2024-04-19 23:44作者:小编
泛美航空(Pan American Airways),简称泛美航空公司,是一家历史悠久的美国航空公司。它于1927年成立,是世界上第一个跨洋航空公司,也被称为“世界上最伟大的航空公司”。该公司在20世纪中叶至20世纪末期曾经是全球最大的航空公司之一,直到1991年破产。
Pan American Airways, also known as Pan Am, is a historic American airline. Established in 1927, it was the first transatlantic airline and was once known as "the greatest airline in the world". The company was one of the largest airlines in the world from the mid-20th century to the late 20th century, until it filed for bankruptcy in 1991.
泛美航空的英文发音为/ˈpæn əˈmerɪkən eəˈleɹeɹnz/。
The pronunciation of Pan American Airways is /ˈpæn əˈmerɪkən eəˈleɹeɹnz/.
Pan American Airways is usually used as a proper noun, referring to the historic American airline. It can also be used as a noun phrase, referring to the airline services provided by the company.
1. 泛美航空公司于1927年成立,是世界上第一个跨洋航空公司。
Pan American Airways was established in 1927, making it the first transatlantic airline in the world.
2. 泛美航空曾经是世界上最大的航空公司之一。
Pan American Airways was once one of the largest airlines in the world.
3. 泛美航空在1991年破产后停止运营。
Pan American Airways ceased operations after filing for bankruptcy in 1991.
4. 我曾经梦想着能够乘坐泛美航空的飞机飞越大西洋。
I used to dream of flying across the Atlantic on a Pan American Airways plane.
5. 泛美航空的标志是一个蓝色的圆形,里面有一架飞机和一颗星星。
The logo of Pan American Airways is a blue circle with an airplane and a star inside it.
Pan American Airways is also known as "Pan Am", which is its nickname. Some people also use "Pan Am" to refer to the company.