更新时间:2024-04-20 01:59作者:小编
英文解释:Majestic and magnificent, usually used to describe the grandeur of a person or thing.
二:怎么读(音标):hào hào dàng dàng [hao hao dang dang]
1. 他们浩浩荡荡地走过了整个城市,吸引了许多人的目光。
They marched through the whole city with a majestic presence, attracting many people's attention.
2. 这支浩荡荡地向前推进,令敌人胆寒。
The army advanced with a magnificent force, making the enemy tremble in fear.
3. 大海上波涛汹涌,一艘巨大的货轮浩浩荡荡地驶过。
The sea was rough, and a huge cargo ship sailed majestically through it.
4. 演出开始时,一群穿着华丽服装的舞者浩浩荡荡地走上舞台。
At the beginning of the performance, a group of dancers in gorgeous costumes walked majestically onto the stage.
5. 他们浩荡荡地站在山顶,俯瞰着远处的壮丽景色。
They stood majestically on of the mountain, overlooking the magnificent scenery in the distance.
1. 壮阔 (zhuàng kuò):形容气势宏大、壮观,常与“景象”、“场面”等搭配使用。
The scenes in this movie are grand and leave a deep impression.
2. 庞大 (páng dà):形容规模庞大、数量众多。
The project is of a massive scale and requires many people to complete.
3. 雄伟 (xióng wěi):形容建筑物或自然景观高大、宏伟。
The palace's architecture is magnificent and leaves people in awe.
4. 壮丽 (zhuàng lì):形容美好、壮观的景色或事物。
Looking down from the mountain, the view of the lake is truly magnificent.