更新时间:2024-04-20 04:42作者:小编
温带季风气候(temperate monsoon climate)是指位于地球温带地区的季风气候,主要分布在亚洲、北美洲和欧洲的部分地区。它是一种典型的季风气候类型,特点是夏季多雨、冬季少雨,温度变化较大。
温带季风气候 [wēn dài jì fēng qì hòu]
1. 南京属于典型的温带季风气候,夏天炎热潮湿,冬天寒冷干燥。
Nanjing belongs to a typical temperate monsoon climate, with hot and humid summers and cold and dry winters.
2. 日本东京也处于温带季风气候区域,每年夏天都会有强烈的台风袭击。
Tokyo, Japan is also located in the temperate monsoon climate region, and experiences strong typhoons every summer.
3. 北美洲的东海岸地区属于温带季风气候,夏季多雨,冬季则经常下雪。
The east coast of North America belongs to the temperate monsoon climate, with rainy summers and frequent snowfall in winter.
4. 德国的气候也是典型的温带季风,夏天多雨多雷阵雨,冬天则寒冷潮湿。
Germany's climate is also a typical temperate monsoon, with rainy and thunderstorm-filled summers and cold and wet winters.
5. 华北地区因受到温带季风气候影响,夏天炎热潮湿,冬天则干燥寒冷。
Due to the influence of the temperate monsoon climate, northern China experiences hot and humid summers and dry and cold winters.
温带季风气候也可以被称为温带大陆性季风气候(temperate continental monsoon climate)或者大陆性季风气候(continental monsoon climate)。它们都指的是位于温带地区的具有明显季节性变化的气候类型。