更新时间:2024-04-21 01:15作者:小编
Black Mountain and Black Water, what does it mean?
Black Mountain and Black Water refer to a geographical concept in Northeast China, representing the natural scenery and unique cultural traditions of the region. It also symbolizes the hardworking, resilient spirit of the people in Northeast China. In Chinese history, Black Mountain and Black Water are often used to describe the frontier atmosphere and national character of the region.
[bái shān hēi shuǐ]
1. 他们一家人去了一趟白山黑水,欣赏了东北的美景。
They took a trip to Black Mountain and Black Water, admiring the beautiful scenery of Northeast China.
2. 在东北,白山黑水是人们最喜欢的旅游目的地之一。
In Northeast China, Black Mountain and Black Water are one of the most popular tourist destinations.
3. 他们在白山黑水地区生活了几十年,对这片土地有着深厚的感情。
They have lived in the Black Mountain and Black Water region for decades, with a deep attachment to this land.
4. 这部电影展现了东北人民勤劳、坚强、顽强不屈的,真实反映了白山黑水地区的风土人情。
This film showcases the hardworking, resilient spirit of the people in Northeast China and reflects the local customs and culture of the Black Mountain and Black Water region.
5. “白山黑水”已经成为东北地区独特的文化符号,在历史上具有重要意义。
"Black Mountain and Black Water" has become a unique cultural symbol in Northeast China, with significant historical significance in Chinese history.
1. 东北边疆:也是用来形容东北地区的边疆风情和民族气节。
2. 东北大地:指代整个东北地区,包括白山黑水在内。
3. 北国边陲:也可以用来形容东北地区的边疆风情和民族气节。
4. 龙江黑山:是黑龙江省和吉林省的合称,也可以用来指代白山黑水所在地区。
5. 东北虎:是东北地区的特有物种,也是东北人民勤劳、坚强、顽强不屈的象征。