更新时间:2024-04-21 01:42作者:小编
百步穿杨是一个成语,意思是指射箭准确无误。它的英文翻译是“hit the bull's eye”,意为命中靶心。
百步穿杨的拼音是bǎi bù chuān yáng,读音为/baɪ bʊˈtʃwɑːn jæŋ/。
1. 他的射箭技术非常高超,每次都能百步穿杨。
His archery skills are excellent, and he hits the bull's eye every time.
2. 这位选手在比赛中表现出色,几乎每一支箭都能百步穿杨。
This player performed well in the competition, hitting the bull's eye with almost every arrow.
3. 在这个项目上,我们需要百步穿杨般精准的计划和执行。
For this project, we need a plan and execution as precise as hitting the bull's eye.
4. 她每次都能把球踢进球门,简直就像是百步穿杨。
She can kick the ball into the goal every time, just like hitting the bull's eye.
5. 他的演讲准备充分,每个观众都被他百步穿杨般的表达吸引住了。
His speech was well-prepared, and he captured every audience member with his precise delivery, just like hitting the bull's eye.
1. 准确无误:accurate,指做事或表达准确无误。
2. 精准:precise,指做事或表达非常精确。
3. 瞄准:aim at,指把目标对准某物。
4. 命中靶心:hit the target,比喻做事成功、达到预期目标。
5. 一箭双雕:kill two birds with one stone,比喻一举两得。
百步穿杨是一个形容射箭技术精湛或做事准确无误的成语,在日常生活中经常被使用。它的英文翻译为“hit the bull's eye”,可以作为主语、谓语或定语。除了用来形容射箭外,它也可以用来比喻其他方面的精准和成功。在写作时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词替换使用,增强表达的多样性。总的来说,百步穿杨是一个非常有趣、生动的成语,希望大家在使用时能够准确无误地命中靶心。