更新时间:2024-04-21 04:10作者:小编
知行 [zhī xíng]
1. 作为名词使用,表示将所学的知识付诸实践的能力或素养。
2. 作为动词使用,表示执行、实践或贯彻某种行动。
1. 知行合一是一种重要的教育理念,它强调了理论与实践相结合的重要性。
Knowledge and action are integrated into one is an important educational concept, which emphasizes the importance of combining theory with practice.
2. 只有通过不断地实践,我们才能真正地掌握所学的知识。
Only through continuous practice can we truly master the knowledge we have learned.
3. 在现代社会中,拥有知行能力的人更容易获得成功。
In modern society, people with the ability of knowing and doing are more likely to succeed.
4. 知行不合一的人往往会陷入理论与实践脱节的困境。
People who do not integrate knowledge and action often fall into the dilemma of disconnecting theory from practice.
5. 领导者应该身体力行,将知行合一的理念贯彻到自己的工作中。
Leaders should lead by example and implement the concept of integrating knowledge and action into their work.
1. 知行合一:知行相通、知行统一
2. 知行并重:重视理论和实践、注重知识和能力
3. 知行兼备:既有知识又有能力、同时具备理论和实践
4. 理论实际:将学习的理论应用到实际中去
5. 行动力:指一个人具备付诸实践的能力