更新时间:2024-04-22 00:30作者:小编
英文解释:To face extreme difficulties and take risks in order to ultimately achieve success or turn the situation around.
置之死地而后生:zhì zhī sǐ dì ér hòu shēng
1. 在这场经济危机中,他们选择了置之死地而后生的策略,最终成功挽救了公司。In the midst of this economic crisis, they chose to adopt a "fighting against all odds" strategy and ultimately saved the company.
2. 面对这场艰难的考试,他毅然决定采取置之死地而后生的方式,最终获得了优异的成绩。Faced with this difficult exam, he made the bold decision to take a "do or die" approach and achieved outstanding results.
3. 她知道自己只有一次机会能够实现自己的梦想,于是她选择了置之死地而后生,最终成功成为一名优秀的舞蹈演员。She knew she only had one chance to achieve her dream, so she chose to take a "sink or swim" approach and eventually became an outstanding dancer.
4. 这个的人民在遭受了长期的战争和贫困之后,仍然保持着置之死地而后生的,最终走出了困境。The people of this country, after enduring long periods of war and poverty, still held on to the spirit of "fighting against all odds" and ultimately emerged from their difficulties.
5. 面对生活中的挑战,我们应该学会置之死地而后生,勇敢面对困难并寻求突破。In the face of challenges in life, we should learn to take a "do or die" approach, bravely face difficulties and seek breakthroughs.
1. 不屈不挠:坚持不懈地追求目标,不被任何困难打败。
2. 坚韧不拔:意志坚定,不轻易放弃。
3. 勇往直前:勇敢地向前迈进。
4. 挺身而出:在危险或困难面前勇敢站出来。
5. 不怕牺牲:为了实现目标,不惜付出任何代价。