更新时间:2024-04-22 16:48作者:小编
虎狼之势(hǔ láng zhī shì)是指某种势力强大、威风凛凛的态势,通常用来形容某个团体或个人在某一领域内具有强大的影响力和力。
1. 他手下的公司已经发展成为行业内的虎狼之势,无人能敌。
His company has grown into a dominant force in the industry and no one can compete with it.
2. 这位年轻的CEO凭借着自己的才华和勤奋,已经成为商界的虎狼之势。
With his talent and hard work, this young CEO has become a dominant figure in the business world.
3. 这支球队在本赛季表现出色,已经成为联盟中的虎狼之势。
This team has performed exceptionally well this season and has become a dominant force in the league.
4. 这位家凭借着自己出色的演讲能力和谋略,很快就成为了国会中的虎狼之势。
With his excellent speaking skills and strategy, this politician quickly became a dominant figure in Congress.
5. 这个已经发展成为地区内的虎狼之势,其他无法与其相抗衡。
This country has become a dominant force in the region and other countries are unable to compete with it.
1. 雄霸一方(dominate a region)
2. 强势领导者(dominant leader)
3. 无可匹敌的力量(unrivaled force)
4. 主宰局面(control the situation)
5. 者(ruler)