

更新时间:2024-04-23 02:48作者:小编

1. 词典释义 (Dictionary Definition):

- 英文释义 (English Definition):

- The act of translating words or text from one language to another, often with the help of a dictionary or other reference materials.

- 中文释义 (Chinese Definition):

- 将单词或文本从一种语言翻译成另一种语言的行为,通常借助于词典或其他参考资料。

2. 怎么读(音标)(Pronunciation):

- 美式发音 (American Pronunciation): [trænsˈleɪʃən]

- 英式发音 (British Pronunciation): [trænzˈleɪʃən]

3. 用法 (Usage):

- Translation can be used as a noun, and it is often followed by the preposition "of" to indicate what is being translated.

- Translation can also be used as a verb, and it is often followed by the preposition "from" to indicate the original language and "into" to indicate the target language.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照 (Example Sentences):

1. The translation of this book from Spanish into English was done by a professional translator. (这本书从西班牙语翻译成英语是由一名专业的翻译人员完成的。)

2. Can you help me with the translation of this document? (你能帮我翻译这份文件吗?)

3. I am studying French so that I can do translations for my company. (我正在学习法语,这样我就能为公司做翻译工作。)

4. The translation of this poem into Chinese has captured the beauty of the original language. (这首诗的中文翻译捕捉到了原始语言的美感。)

5. The translation of this phrase is not accurate, it should be "I love you" instead of "I like you". (这句话的翻译不准确,应该是“我爱你”而不是“我喜欢你”。)

5. 同义词及用法 (Synonyms and Usage):

- Interpretation: Similar to translation, but it often implies explaining or deciphering the meaning of something.

- Example: The interpretation of this ancient text is still being debated by scholars.

- Version: Refers to a particular form or edition of a translated work.

- Example: This is the latest version of the translation, with some updated phrases and expressions.

- Rendering: Can be used as a noun or verb, and it means translating something into another language in a certain way.

- Example: The rendering of this play into Mandarin was well-received by the audience.

6. 编辑总结 (Editor's Summary):

Translation refers to the process of converting words or text from one language to another, and it can be used as both a noun and verb. It is often accompanied by prepositions such as "of", "from" and "into" to indicate what is being translated and between which languages. Translation plays an important role in communication between different cultures and languages, making it easier for people to understand each other's ideas and thoughts. It requires not only language proficiency, but also cultural sensitivity and knowledge. As an editor, it is important to ensure the accuracy and clarity of translations in order for the intended meaning to be conveyed effectively.



详细(xiáng xì)是一个汉语词语,意思是指具体、周密、精确的程度或内容。它可以用来形容事物的描述、分析或处理的程度,也可以指具体的细节和内容。详细(detailed)is a Chinese w

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详(xiáng)音标:[xiáng]释义:形容词,指事情或内容十分详细、完备,没有遗漏的意思。用法:1. 作为形容词,常用于修饰动词或名词,表示对事情或内容进行详细的描述。2. 也可用作副词,表示

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详情的意思指的是事物或情况的具体细节、详细信息或具体内容。在英文中,详情可以用作名词,也可以用作形容词,其含义与中文相同。怎么读(音标)详情的音标为 [dɪˈteɪlz]。用法详

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