更新时间:2024-04-23 04:53作者:小编
英文释义:A strong desire and determination for the future, showing strong will and ambition.
二:怎么读(音标):[háo qíng zhuàng zhì]
1. 他年轻时就充满了豪情壮志,立志要成为一名优秀的企业家。
He was full of passion and determination when he was young, determined to become an excellent entrepreneur.
2. 那位年轻人满怀豪情壮志地告诉父母,他要去远方闯荡天下。
The young man told his parents with great passion and determination that he wanted to go far away to explore the world.
3. 这个正在发展中,充满了豪情壮志的人民正在为实现富强而努力奋斗。
This country is in development, and the people are full of passion and determination, working hard to achieve national prosperity and strength.
4. 我们应该以豪情壮志迎接新的挑战,不断进取,为实现更大的梦想而努力。
We should welcome new challenges with passion and determination, constantly striving for greater dreams.
5. 她的豪情壮志和勇气激励着身边的人,大家都被她的热情和决心所感染。
Her passion and courage inspire those around her, as everyone is infected by her enthusiasm and determination.
1. 雄心壮志(ambition):指对未来有远大的理想和目标,有强烈的欲望去实现它们。
2. 激情(passion):指内心深处强烈的感情和冲动,可以驱使一个人去做一些激动人心的事情。
3. 决心(determination):指坚定不移地做出决定并付诸行动,不受任何困难或阻碍所影响。
4. 进取心(enterprising):指积极主动、勇于创新、敢于冒险、不断进取的状态。
5. 志向(aspiration):指对自己未来发展或成就的向往和追求。