更新时间:2024-04-23 10:37作者:小编
Kick the dog means to use your foot or other body parts to hit a dog. This phrase is often used metaphorically to describe someone or something being treated unfairly or ignored.
/kɪk ðə dɔg/
Kick the dog is usually used as a verb phrase, which can mean an actual action or metaphorically describe someone being treated unfairly. In terms of actual action, it usually refers to violent behavior towards a dog; in terms of metaphor, it usually describes someone being ignored, neglected or bullied.
1. He was so angry after being scolded by his boss that he kicked the dog when he got home.
2. Don't take your frustration out on others, don't kick the dog just because you had a bad day.
3. The company's recent financial loss has led to employees being overworked and underpaid, and they are now kicking the dog by taking it out on their families.
4. It's not right to kick the dog just because you're having problems at work.
5. He was always the one getting kicked around in school, but now he's successful and can finally s kicking the dog.
1. 小人得志(英文:kick someone when they are down):指在某人处于困境时进一步打击他们。
2. 踩着别人往上爬(英文:climb over someone's back):指利用他人来达到自己的目的。
3. 沾沾自喜(英文:gloat):指因为自己成功而洋洋自得,或者看到别人失败而感到高兴。
4. 欺软怕硬(英文:bully):指虐待弱者,但对强者却畏惧。
5. 把别人当出气筒(英文:take it out on someone):指因为自己的不满而把负面情绪发泄到他人身上。