更新时间:2024-04-23 14:55作者:小编
进退维谷(jìn tùi wéi gǔ)是一个成语,意思是处于进退两难的境地,无法做出决定或行动。它形容人在面对困难时,左右为难,无法作出明智的选择。
jìn tùi wéi gǔ
1. 在职场上,我们经常会遇到进退维谷的情况,这时候需要冷静思考才能做出正确的选择。
In the workplace, we often encounter situations where we are in a dilemma and need to think calmly in order to make the right decision.
2. 这次考试我真是进退维谷啊,如果不及格就要重修了,但是复习太累了。
I am really in a dilemma about this exam. If I fail, I will have to retake it, but studying for it is so tiring.
3. 在制定时常常会面临着进退维谷的局面,需要权衡各方利益后做出最合适的决定。
The government often faces a dilemma when making policies, and needs to weigh the interests of all parties before making the most appropriate decision.
4. 这场比赛,队长陷入了进退维谷的境地,因为他的队友受伤了,但是比赛还没有结束。
In this game, the team captain was in a dilemma because his teammate got injured, but the game was not over yet.
5. 当你自己处于进退维谷时,不要盲目做出决定,可以寻求他人的意见来帮助你做出最好的选择。
When you find yourself in a dilemma, do not make impulsive decisions. Seek advice from others to help you make the best choice.
1. 迟疑不决(chí yí bù jué):指在做决定时犹豫不决,无法下定决心。
2. 迷茫不前(mí máng bù qián):形容在困难面前无所适从,无法继续前进。
3. 摇摆不定(yáo bǎi bù dìng):指在两个选择之间徘徊不定,无法做出决定。