更新时间:2024-04-24 03:43作者:小编
阳关三迭(yáng guān sān dié)是一个成语,指的是夕阳西下的景色。它由“阳关”、“三”、“迭”三个词组成,分别表示太阳、数量和重复的意思。这个成语形象地描述了夕阳下山时的美景,也可比喻人生的顺境。
读音:yáng guān sān dié [yáng guān sān dié]
1. 夕阳西下,一片金光洒满了大地,真是一幅阳关三迭的美景。
The setting sun cast a golden light over the land, creating a picturesque scene of yangguan sandie.
2. 他一生都在追求成功,终于在晚年享受到了阳关三迭的日子。
He spent his whole life pursuing success and finally enjoyed the good life in his old age.
3. 每次看到这样的夕阳景色,我都不禁想起那句诗:“黄河远上白云间,一片孤城万仞山。羌笛何须怨杨柳,春风不度玉门关。”
Every time I see such a sunset, I can't help but think of this poem: "Far up the Yellow River, white clouds drift by; A lonely fortress, ten thousand feet high. Why should the Qiang flute mourn the willows? The spring breeze does not pass through the Jade Gate Pass."
4. 这部电影的结局让人感动,主角在经历了种种挫折后,终于迎来了阳关三迭的时刻。
The ending of this movie is touching, as the protagonist finally reaches a state of success after experiencing numerous setbacks.
5. 他们一起看着夕阳西下,享受着阳关三迭的美景,心中充满了感激和满足。
They watched the sunset together, enjoying the picturesque scene of yangguan sandie, and their hearts were filled with gratitude and contentment.