更新时间:2024-04-24 09:54作者:小编
英文释义:unable to reach far; beyond one's power or influence
bīan cháng mò jí (bīan为一声,cháng为二声,mò为四声,jí为二声)
1. 他的权力只能在本地区发挥作用,对其他地方来说就是鞭长莫及了。(His power is limited to the local area, it is beyond his reach in other places.)
2. 我们虽然想帮助那些贫困地区的孩子,但是我们的资源有限,鞭长莫及。(Although we want to help children in poor areas, our resources are limited and we cannot reach far.)
3. 在这个,大多数人都被者的权力所束缚,他们只能仰望着那些他们无法触及的东西,就像是鞭长莫及一样。(In this country, most people are bound by the rulers' power, they can only look up to things that are beyond their reach, just like it's beyond their reach.)
4. 的措施只能在城市中发挥作用,对农村地区来说就是鞭长莫及的。(The government's measures can only work in cities, they are beyond their reach in rural areas.)
5. 虽然我们想改变这个社会,但是我们只是一小部分人,我们的力量是鞭长莫及的。(Although we want to change society, we are just a small group of people and our power is limited.)
1. 手无寸铁(shǒu wú cùn tiě):手无寸铁与鞭长莫及意思相近,都表示无力或受限制。
2. 望梅止渴(wàng méi zhǐ kě):望梅止渴也与鞭长莫及意思相似,都指无法达到远处的愿望或目标。
3. 杯水车薪(bēi shuǐ chē xīn):杯水车薪与鞭长莫及意思类似,都表示力量微弱,无法解决问题。
4. 蚂蚁搬家(mǎ yǐ bān jiā):蚂蚁搬家与鞭长莫及意思相似,都表示力量微小,无法影响大局。
5. 鞭长莫及的(bīan cháng mò jí de):鞭长莫及的是形容词,用来修饰某个事物或人的力量有限,无法达到远处。