更新时间:2024-04-24 19:36作者:小编
鲛绡(jiāo xiāo)是一种古代贵族妇女常用的丝织品,也称为“鸳鸯纱”、“水纱”。它由精细的丝线编织而成,具有轻盈、柔软、光滑的特点。在古代,鲛绡被视为高贵、华美的象征,常被用于制作贵族服饰和宫廷用品。
Jiaoxiao is a type of silk fabric commonly used by noblewomen in ancient times, also known as "mandarin duck gauze" or "water gauze". It is woven from fine silk threads and has the characteristics of being lightweight, soft, and smooth. In ancient China, Jiaoxiao was seen as a symbol of nobility and beauty, and was often used to make noble clothing and court items.
鲛绡的读音为jiāo xiāo,其中“j”发音为/ʤ/,“iāo”发音为/iɑʊ/,“xiāo”发音为/ʃiɑʊ/。
1. 她穿着一袭鲛绡裙,在宫廷中优雅地行走。
She walked gracefully in the palace wearing a Jiaoxiao dress.
2. 这座宫殿的窗帘都是用鲛绡制作的,非常华美。
The curtains of this palace are all made of Jiaoxiao, very luxurious.
3. 在古代,鲛绡是贵族妇女最喜爱的服装材料之一。
In ancient times, Jiaoxiao was one of the most beloved clothing materials of noblewomen.
4. 这件鲛绡衣服非常轻盈柔软,穿起来很舒适。
This Jiaoxiao dress is very lightweight and soft, making it very comfortable to wear.
5. 那位公主嫁入皇室时,身上穿着一件由最顶级的工匠制作的鲛绡礼服。
When the princess married into the royal family, she wore a Jiaoxiao wedding dress made by the country's craftsmen.
1. 鸳鸯纱:又称水纱,是鲛绡的别称,也指用鲛绡制作的服装或宫廷用品。
2. 水纱:又称鸳鸯纱,是鲛绡的别称,也指用鲛绡制作的服装或宫廷用品。
3. 贵妃绸:与鲛绡类似,是一种轻薄光滑的丝织品,常被用于制作贵族妇女的服装。
4. 轻纱:与鲛绡相似,是一种轻盈柔软的丝织品,常被用于制作夏季服装。
5. 绢缎:与鲛绡相比,质地更厚重、光泽度更强,常被用于制作华丽的礼服。