更新时间:2024-04-24 21:46作者:小编
Eagle-eyed and quick-witted, the term "鹰头雀脑" describes a person with a sharp mind like an eagle, able to quickly understand and handle complex problems. This phrase is often used to describe someone with exceptional intelligence and insight.
yīng tóu què nǎo (yīng tóu: [jīng tóu], què nǎo: [què nǎo])
The term "鹰头雀脑" is usually used to describe someone with exceptional intelligence and insight, and can be used as a standalone noun or as an adjective to modify a noun. Additionally, it can also be used metaphorically to describe something or a phenomenon with similar characteristics as "鹰头雀脑".
1. 他的鹰头雀脑让他在团队中成为了决策者。(His eagle-eyed and quick-witted mind makes him a decision-maker in the team.)
2. 她的鹰头雀脑使她能够迅速地解决复杂的问题。(Her sharp mind like an eagle enables her to quickly solve complex problems.)
3. 这个项目需要一位拥有鹰头雀脑的领导者来带领团队。(This project requires a leader with an eagle-eyed and quick-witted mind to lead the team.)
4. 这部电影展现了主人公鹰头雀脑般的智慧和勇气。(This movie showcases the protagonist's eagle-eyed and quick-witted mind and courage.)
5. 她的小说充满了鹰头雀脑般的洞察力和深刻的思考。(Her novel is filled with eagle-eyed and quick-witted insights and profound thoughts.)
1. 雄心勃勃 (xíng xīn bó bó) - 具有强大野心和决断力,能够快速处理复杂问题。
2. 头脑灵活 (tóu nǎo líng huó) - 思维敏捷,反应迅速,能够迅速解决问题。
3. 眼明手快 (yǎn míng shǒu kuài) - 眼力敏锐,反应迅速,能够快速处理事情。
4. 智勇双全 (zhì yǒng shuāng quán) - 具有智慧和勇气,能够在困难情况下做出明智的决策。
5. 聪明绝顶 (cōng míng jué dǐng) - 智商极高,能够快速理解和解决复杂问题。