更新时间:2024-04-25 00:13作者:小编
英文释义:The roar of dragons and tigers, also used to describe extremely powerful or majestic sounds or momentum. In Chinese culture, dragons and tigers are both symbols of strength and majesty, so "dragon's roar and tiger's roar" is often used to metaphorically describe a very powerful force or momentum.
二:怎么读(音标):lóng yín hǔ xiào
1. 他一声龙吟虎啸,让所有人都感受到了他的强大力量。(He let out a dragon's roar and tiger's roar, making everyone feel his immense power.)
2. 这个正在经历着一场龙吟虎啸般的变革。(This country is going through a dragon's roar and tiger's roar-like transformation.)
3. 随着战争的爆发,战场上响起了龙吟虎啸般的呐喊声。(As the war broke out, the battlefield was filled with dragon's roars and tiger's roars.)
4. 她嗓音嘹亮,龙吟虎啸般的歌声震撼了全场。(Her voice was loud and powerful, her singing like a dragon's roar and tiger's roar that shook the entire audience.)
5. 这部电影中的打戏让人感受到了龙吟虎啸般的气势。(The fight scenes in this movie gave off a dragon's roar and tiger's roar-like momentum.)
五:同义词及用法:狮吼虎啸(shī hǒu hǔ xiào),也用来比喻强大的声音或气势。但与龙吟虎啸不同的是,狮吼虎啸通常指动物发出的真实的嘶吼声,而龙吟虎啸则更多地被用来比喻。