更新时间:2023-05-13 16:42作者:网友发布
我写了一段python代码,根据 .torrent文件 中的内容验证 下载文件 的哈希值。假设您要检查下载是否损坏,则可能会发现此功能有用。 __
torrent_file = open(sys.argv[1], “rb”)metainfo = benpre.bdepre(torrent_file.read())info = metainfo[‘info’]pieces = StringIO.StringIO(info[‘pieces’])
此代码的唯一复杂部分被处理多文件种子因为单个洪流 片 可以跨越多于一个文件 (内部BitTorrent的治疗多文件下载作为单个连续文件)。我正在使用生成器函数pieces_generator()将其抽象化。
import sys, os, hashlib, StringIO, benpredef pieces_generator(info): “””Yield pieces from download file(s).””” piece_length = info[‘piece length’] if ‘files’ in info: # yield pieces from a multi-file torrent piece = “” for file_info in info[‘files’]: path = os.sep.join([info[‘name’]] + file_info[‘path’]) print path sfile = open(path.depre(‘UTF-8’), “rb”) while True: piece += sfile.read(piece_length-len(piece)) if len(piece) != piece_length: sfile.close() break yield piece piece = “” if piece != “”: yield piece else: # yield pieces from a single file torrent path = info[‘name’] print path sfile = open(path.depre(‘UTF-8’), “rb”) while True: piece = sfile.read(piece_length) if not piece: sfile.close() return yield piecedef corruption_failure(): “””Display error message and exit””” print(“download corrupted”) exit(1)def main(): # Open torrent file torrent_file = open(sys.argv[1], “rb”) metainfo = benpre.bdepre(torrent_file.read()) info = metainfo[‘info’] pieces = StringIO.StringIO(info[‘pieces’]) # Iterate through pieces for piece in pieces_generator(info): # Compare piece hash with expected hash piece_hash = hashlib.sha1(piece).digest() if (piece_hash != pieces.read(20)): corruption_failure() # ensure we’ve read all pieces if pieces.read(): corruption_failure()if __name__ == “__main__”: main()