
A-Complete-History-of-My-Sexual-Failures - Bing 词典

更新时间:2024-03-06 14:39作者:小编

意思:《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》是一部英国纪录片,由克里斯·韦茨(Chris Waitt)执导和主演,于2008年首次上映。该片记录了导演在寻找爱情和性方面的失败经历,并通过访问前女友和心理学家来探讨这些失败的原因。

怎么读:[eɪ kəmˈpliːt ˈhɪst(ə)ri əv mai ˈsɛkʃuəl ˈfeɪljərz]


例句1:I recently watched A Complete History of My Sexual Failures and found it both hilarious and relatable. (我最近看了《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》,它既搞笑又有共鸣。)

例句2:The book A Complete History of My Sexual Failures offers a candid and introspective look at the director's love life. (书籍《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》坦诚地反思了导演的爱情生活。)

例句3:Have you seen A Complete History of My Sexual Failures? It's a must-watch for anyone who has ever experienced dating and relationship struggles. (你看过《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》吗?对于任何曾经遇到过约会和恋爱困难的人来说,这部片子都是必看的。)

例句4:The documentary A Complete History of My Sexual Failures is a humorous and honest exploration of the director's romantic failures. (纪录片《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》是导演对自己恋爱失败的幽默而真诚的探索。)

例句5:After watching A Complete History of My Sexual Failures, I felt reassured that I'm not the only one who struggles with love and sex. (看完《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》,我感到安慰,原来我不是唯一一个在爱情和性方面挣扎的人。)

同义词及用法:《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》也可以用作“我的性失败完整历史”的翻译,意思相同。

编辑总结:《A Complete History of My Sexual Failures》是一部英国纪录片,通过导演个人的失败经历来探讨爱情和性方面的话题。该词条可用作电影、纪录片或书籍的,也可指代个人在性方面的失败经历。它既幽默又真诚地反映了许多人在爱情和性方面所遇到的困难,因此备受观众喜爱。

上一篇: A-Bitter-Day



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