更新时间:2024-03-16 10:48作者:小编
backfire [ˈbæk.faɪər]
1. backfire on sb/sth:对某人/某事产生适得其反的效果
2. backfire against sb/sth:对某人/某事产生适得其反的影响
1. His plan to win her back by buying her expensive gifts backfired when she found out he had cheated on her. (他通过给她买昂贵礼物来赢回她的计划失败了,因为她他曾经欺骗过她。)
2. The company's attempt to cut costs by laying off employees ended up backfiring, as the remaining workers were overworked and productivity decreased. (公司裁员以削减成本的尝试最终适得其反,因为剩余员工工作负担过重,导致生产力下降。)
3. The politician's smear campaign against his opponent backfired when the public saw through his lies and rallied behind the other candidate. (家对他的竞争对手进行诽谤的运动适得其反,因为公众看穿了他的谎言,并支持另一位候选人。)
4. Trying to be cool and impress his crush, he ended up making a fool of himself and backfiring his chances with her. (为了显得酷而给他暗恋的女孩留下好印象,结果他自己变得很傻,也让自己与她的机会适得其反。)
5. The company's decision to increase prices to boost profits backfired when customers turned to their compes for more affordable options. (公司为提高利润而决定提高价格的做法适得其反,因为顾客转向竞争对手寻找更实惠的选择。)
1. Misfire:意为“失败”,指原本计划或行动未能达到预期效果。
2. Boomerang:意为“回旋镖”,比喻原本针对别人的行动最终却伤害到自己。
3. Rebound:意为“弹回”,指原本计划或行动最终以不利的方式反弹。
4. Backlash:意为“反冲”,比喻原本针对某人或某事物的批评或最终造成相反的效果。
5. Counterproductive:意为“适得其反”,指某种计划或行动最终产生的结果与原本的目的相反。