更新时间:2024-03-22 13:01作者:小编
lamprey [ˈlæmˌpri]
1. The lamprey is a parasitic fish that attaches itself to other fish and sucks their blood for survival.(无颚鱼是一种寄生性鱼类,它会附着在其他鱼类身上吸食血液来维持生存。)
2. The lamprey has a unique circular mouth filled with sharp teeth that it uses to attach itself to its prey.(无颚鱼有一个独特的圆形嘴巴,里面有尖锐的牙齿,它用来附着在猎物身上。)
3. Lampreys are often considered a delicacy in certain parts of the world, and are even featured in some traditional dishes.(在世界某些地区,人们通常把无颚鱼视为美味佳肴,甚至会在一些传统菜肴中使用。)
4. The lamprey's slimy body and parasitic nature make it a feared and disliked creature in many cultures.(无颚鱼黏滑的身体和寄生性让它在许多文化中备受恐惧和厌恶。)
5. The ancient Romans believed that lampreys had medicinal properties and used them to treat various ailments.(古罗马人认为无颚鱼具有药用价值,用它们来治疗各种疾病。)
1. Petromyzontidae:lamprey的学名,也可以用来指代无颚鱼科。
2. Jawless fish:无颚鱼类的总称,包括lamprey在内。
3. Bloodsucker:指吸食血液的动物,可以用来形容lamprey的寄生性质。
4. Parasite:寄生物,与lamprey的生存方式相符。
5. Eel-like:像鳗鱼一样的,可以用来形容lamprey长条形的身体。