更新时间:2024-03-23 19:13作者:小编
log作为名词,有两种常见的意思。第一种意思是“原木”,指未经加工的树木。:“The log rolled down the hill.”(原木从山坡滚下来了。)第二种意思是“日志”,指记录某事物的详细信息的书面或电子记录。:“I keep a daily log of my activities.”(我每天记录我的活动日志。)
1. 指原木时,log常用作可数名词,表示单根或多根树木。:“The lumberjack cut down several logs.”(伐木工砍倒了几根原木。)
2. 指日志时,log通常用作不可数名词,表示一段时间内记录的或活动信息。:“The captain keeps a log of the ship's journey.”(船长记录船只航行过程中发生的日志。)
1. The log cabin was nestled in the woods, surrounded by tall trees. (小屋坐落在森林中,周围都是高大的树木。)
2. The logger cut down the giant log with his chainsaw. (伐木工人用电锯砍倒了巨大的原木。)
3. The company keeps a log of all the incoming and outgoing calls for quality control purposes. (公司为了质量目的,记录所有进出的日志。)
4. The hiker used a log as a bridge to cross the river. (徒步旅行者用一根原木作为桥梁跨越河流。)
5. The detective studied the log carefully, looking for any clues that could solve the case. (侦探仔细研究日志,寻找能解决案件的线索。)
1. timber:指已经被伐下的树木,通常用作不可数名词。:“The lumber company exports timber to other countries.”(这家木材公司向其他出口木材。)
2. journal:指记录个人想法、感受或经历的书面记录,也可以指某一领域专业性的期刊。:“I write in my journal every night.”(我每晚都会在我的日记本里写东西。)“She published an article in a medical journal.”(她在一本医学期刊上发表了一篇文章。)