更新时间:2024-03-26 05:43作者:小编
1. putdown作为动词时,常用于描述将某物放置在一定位置上,也可以指将某人放下来。:
- He put down the book and stood up. (他放下书站起来了。)
- Please put the baby down gently. (请轻轻地把宝宝放下。)
2. putdown也可以指贬低、打断或压制某人或某事物。:
- Don't try to put me down, I know what I'm doing. (别想贬低我,我知道自己在做什么。)
- The boss always puts down my ideas in meetings. (老板总是在上打断我的想法。)
3. putdown作为名词时,通常指讽刺或挖苦的话语。:
- His comment was just a putdown, he didn't really mean it. (他的评论只是一句挖苦话,他并不是真的这么想。)
1. He put down the cup on the table and went to answer the phone. (他把杯子放在桌子上,去接。)
2. The teacher always puts down students who don't understand the lesson. (老师总是贬低那些不懂课程的学生。)
3. She felt hurt when her friend made a putdown about her new haircut. (当她的朋友挖苦她的新发型时,她感到很受伤。)
4. The team captain's putdowns during the game affected the players' confidence. (比赛中队长的贬低影响了队员们的信心。)
5. He couldn't help but laugh at his own putdown when he tripped on stage during the performance. (当他在表演中跌倒时,他忍不住笑了起来,自嘲了一下。)
1. belittle:意为“轻视;贬低”。常用于指将某人或某事物看得很低或很不重要。
2. ridicule:意为“嘲笑;挖苦”。常用于指以嘲笑或讽刺的方式来对待某人或某事物。
3. disparage:意为“蔑视;轻蔑”。常用于指对某人或某事物表示不屑或不重视。
4. mock:意为“嘲弄;嘲笑”。常用于指以模仿或嘲笑的方式来对待某人或某事物。
5. scorn:意为“蔑视;鄙视”。常用于指对某人或某事物表示轻蔑或不屑。