更新时间:2024-03-18 06:21作者:小编
英文解释:having a strong desire to compete or to succeed
1. 作为形容词,修饰名词,表示某人或某物具有竞争性或有竞争力。
2. 可以用来描述一个人具有强烈的竞争欲望,愿意与他人竞争。
3. 也可以用来形容一项活动、比赛或行业具有激烈的竞争环境。
1. The company is facing fierce competition in the market, so they need to come up with more competitive products. (这家公司在市场上面临激烈的竞争,所以他们需要推出更具竞争力的产品。)
2. She has always been very competitive, whether it's in sports or in academics. (她无论是在体育还是学业方面都非常具有竞争力。)
3. The job market is highly competitive, so you need to have a strong resume and impressive skills to stand out from other candidates. (就业市场竞争激烈,所以你需要有一份强大的简历和出色的技能来脱颖而出。)
4. This industry is known for its cut-throat competition, and only the most competitive companies can survive. (这个行业以残酷的竞争著称,只有最具竞争力的公司才能生存下来。)
5. The two siblings have always been competitive with each other, whether it's in sports or in academics. (这两个兄弟姐妹无论是在体育还是学业方面都相互竞争。)
1. rivalrous:形容词,具有敌对性的,常用来描述两个或多个人或团体之间的竞争关系。
2. cut-throat:形容词,残酷的,常用来形容激烈的竞争环境。
3. fierce:形容词,激烈的,常用来描述竞争状态或氛围。
4. aggressive:形容词,具有攻击性的,常用来描述某人或某物具有强烈的竞争欲望。
5. challenging:形容词,具有挑战性的,常用来描述一项任务或活动需要克服困难才能完成。