更新时间:2024-03-25 16:43作者:小编
negroes [nɪ'groʊz]
1. 作为名词,指非洲裔或黑人。
2. 可以用来指代非洲裔或黑人群体。
3. 在一些文学作品中,也可以用来指代黑暗、邪恶或不幸。
1. The history of the United States is deeply intertwined with the struggles and contributions of negroes.
2. In the past, negroes were discriminated against and denied basic human rights.
3. The civil rights movement in the 1960s fought for equality and justice for negroes.
4. Many famous musicians and artists, such as Louis Armstrong and Maya Angelou, were negroes.
5. The novel explores the struggles and triumphs of a young negro growing up in the Jim Crow era.
1. Black:黑人,也可以指非洲裔。
2. African-American:美国黑人,指生活在美国的非洲裔。
3. People of color:有色人种,可以指任何非白人种族。
4. Colored:有色人种,现已不常用,因为带有种族歧视的含义。
negroes是一个复数形式的名词,指非洲裔或黑人。它来自西班牙语和葡萄牙语中的negro,在过去常被用来贬低黑人。虽然现在这个词已经不再被广泛使用,但仍需要谨慎使用,以免冒犯他人。除了作为名词使用外,在文学作品中也可以引申为黑暗、邪恶或不幸。同义词包括black、African-American和people of color等。总之,对于这个词的使用需要考虑到其历史背景和现在的社会环境。