更新时间:2024-03-27 06:29作者:小编
Ponzi_scheme是什么意思_中英文、音标、是一种诈骗手段,也被称为庞氏骗局。该词源于意大利移民Charles Ponzi,他在20世纪20年代以投资国际邮票的名义吸引投资者,但实际上是用新投资者的钱来支付老投资者的回报,最终导致他被捕并入狱。
Ponzi_scheme [pɒnzi skiːm] (n.) 庞氏骗局;庞氏计划
1. Many people were lured into investing in the Ponzi scheme, hoping to make a quick profit.
2. The mastermind behind the Ponzi scheme was arrested and charged with fraud.
3. The victims of the Ponzi scheme lost all their savings and were left with nothing.
4. The government has issued a warning to the public about the dangers of Ponzi schemes.
5. It is important to do thorough research before investing in any scheme to avoid being a victim of a Ponzi scheme.
1. Pyramid scheme [ˈpɪrəmɪd skiːm] (n.) 金字塔式骗局;传销
2. Multi-level marketing [ˌmʌlti ˈlevl ˈmɑrkɪtɪŋ] (n.) 多级营销;传销
3. Scam [skæm] (n.) 骗局;诈骗
4. Fraud [frɔːd] (n.) 欺诈;诈骗
5. Swindle [ˈswɪndl] (n.) 欺诈;诈骗
编辑总结:Ponzi_scheme是一种以吸引新投资者来支付老投资者回报的欺诈手段,常被用作名词来指代这种行为。其读音为[pɒnzi skiːm],也可以使用动词形式Ponzi_scheming来描述进行庞氏骗局的行为。为了避免成为庞氏骗局的受害者,投资者应该做好充分的调查,并惕类似的金字塔式骗局、传销等。