

更新时间:2024-04-13 11:59作者:小编



The phrase "不教而诛" refers to the act of punishing someone or something without giving any guidance or instruction beforehand. This term originated from the ancient legal system in China, where even if a person was not informed of the rules, they could still be sentenced to death. Therefore, "不教而诛" can also be understood as "being punished without proper training".


不教而诛的拼音为bù jiāo ér zhū,读音为/buː dʒaʊ ɜːr tʃuː/。

The pronunciation of 不教而诛 is "bù jiāo ér zhū", with a phonetic transcription of /buː dʒaʊ ɜːr tʃuː/.



The phrase "不教而诛" is often used to describe a behavior or punishment that is too harsh and lacks educational value. It can be used to criticize someone's actions or warn others not to repeat the same mistake. In addition, "不教而诛" can also be used to describe an unfair form of punishment.


1. 他没有经过任何训练就被直接解雇,这简直是不教而诛。

He was fired without any training, which is like being punished without proper guidance.

2. 这个法律条例太过严苛,简直是不教而诛。

This law is too harsh, it's like punishing people without educating them.

3. 我们不能只是对孩子们说“做错了就会受到惩罚”,那样就是不教而诛。

We can't just tell children "you will be punished if you make mistakes", that's like teaching them without educating them.

4. 他们被关押在监狱里,没有任何培训或改造机会,这简直是不教而诛。

They were imprisoned without any training or rehabilitation opportunities, it's like punishing them without proper education.

5. 过去的法律制度太过严苛,很多人都是因为不教而诛而丧命。

In the past, the legal system was too harsh and many people lost their lives due to being punished without proper education.


1. 不知不觉:指某件事情发生时,人们没有察觉到或没有意识到。可以用来形容某件事情发生的突然性。

2. 莫名其妙:指某件事情没有任何道理或解释,让人感到困惑和疑惑。可以用来形容某种不公平的处罚方式。

3. 不公平:指对于某个人或某件事情,没有给予应有的公正待遇。可以用来形容一种不合理的处罚方式。

4. 不当:指某种行为或做法不符合社会道德或法律规定。可以用来描述一种错误的处罚方式。

1. Unconsciously: refers to when something happens without people noticing or being aware of it. It can be used to describe the suddenness of an event.

2. Puzzling: refers to something that makes no sense or has no explanation, causing confusion and doubt. It can be used to describe an unfair form of punishment.

3. Unfair: refers to not giving someone or something the fair treatment they deserve. It can be used to describe an unreasonable form of punishment.

4. Improper: refers to a behavior or action that is not in line with social morals or legal regulations. It can be used to describe an incorrect form of punishment.



In summary, "不教而诛" is a term with a strong negative connotation, which can be used to describe a punishment that is too harsh or unfair. It also serves as a reminder for people to provide enough education and guidance before resorting to punishment. When using this term, it's important to pay attention to the context and avoid using exaggerated or derogatory expressions.



不支持的意思是指不赞成或不同意某件事情,也可以指对某人或某个团体的态度不友好。在技术领域,不支持也可以指某个软件或无法运行某项功能。How to pronounce: [bù zhī chí

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不拘一格(bù jū yí gé)是一个成语,意思是指不受限制,不拘泥于传统或常规的做法,具有开放、自由的态度和行为方式。怎么读(音标)bù jū yí gé (注:中文没有音标)用法“不拘一格

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不护细行(bù hù xì xíng)是一个汉语词组,由“不护”和“细行”两部分组成。其中,“不护”指不保护、不照顾、不关心等意思,“细行”指的是小心谨慎、细致周到的行为。因此,不

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不成材的意思是指某人或某物没有达到一定的标准,无法胜任某项任务或达到预期的水平。这个词通常用来形容某人的能力、品质或者表现不够出色,缺乏成功的潜力。怎么读(音标)bù ch

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2024-04-13 11:55


不成功的意思是指某件事情或行为没有达到预期的结果,没有取得成功或失败了。它可以指一次特定的,也可以指一个人的整体表现。How to read: [bʌn səkˈsesfəl]用法:作为形容

2024-04-13 11:54
