

更新时间:2024-04-15 02:10作者:小编


How to pronounce: láogōng [láw-gong]

Usage: 劳工 is a noun, and can be used to refer to individuals or groups of people who engage in physical or mental labor for the purpose of production.

Example sentences:

1. 他们是一群勤劳的劳工,为了家庭和的发展而不断奋斗。

They are a group of hardworking laborers who strive for the development of their families and the country.

2. 这个工厂需要大量的劳工来满足订单的需求。

This factory requires a large number of laborers to meet the demand for orders.

3. 她是一名优秀的劳工,每天都在生产线上忙碌着。

She is an excellent laborer, working hard on the production line every day.

4. 许多年轻人选择到城市打拼,成为一名劳工,希望能够通过自己的努力改变命运。

Many young people choose to go to the city and become laborers, hoping to change their fate through hard work.

5. 这个重视保护劳动者的权益,制定了多项法律保障劳工的合法权益。

This country attaches great importance to protecting the rights and interests of laborers, and has enacted multiple laws to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 工人 (gōngrén): This term is often used interchangeably with 劳工, but it specifically refers to workers in industrial or manual labor jobs.

2. 职工 (zhígōng): This term refers to employees or workers who are employed by an organization or company.

3. 劳动者 (láodòngzhě): This term emphasizes the aspect of labor or work, and can be used to refer to any individual who engages in physical or mental labor.

4. 勤劳者 (qínláozhě): This term emphasizes the quality of being hardworking, and can be used to describe any individual who works diligently.

5. 劳力 (láolì): This term specifically refers to physical labor, such as manual work or heavy lifting.

Editor's summary:

劳工 is a noun that refers to individuals or groups of people who engage in physical or mental labor for the purpose of production. It is commonly used in China to refer to workers in various industries. Other similar terms include 工人, 职工, 劳动者, 勤劳者, and 劳力. As a dictionary editor and translator, it is important to accurately define and explain the meaning of a word while also providing relevant examples and synonyms for better understanding.



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