更新时间:2024-04-15 03:11作者:小编
英文翻译:The key used to lock or unlock the north gate is called "Beimen Suo" in Chinese. In ancient times, cities usually had two main gates, one in the south and one in the north. Therefore, the key for the north gate is also known as "city gate key".
Beimen Suo [běi mén suǒ yào]
1. 我们需要找到北门锁钥才能进入城市。
We need to find the key for the north gate to enter the city.
2. 城主把北门锁钥交给了守卫。
The lord handed over the key for the north gate to the guard.
3. 请保管好北门锁钥,以防止有人闯入城市。
Please keep the key for the north gate safe to prevent anyone from entering the city.
4. 据说北门锁钥是由一位老铁匠亲手打造的。
It is said that the key for the north gate was handcrafted by an old blacksmith.
5. 守卫在夜晚巡逻时,将北门锁钥挂在腰间。
The guard hangs the key for the north gate on his waist while patrolling at night.