更新时间:2024-04-16 08:04作者:小编
What does "a pie in the sky" mean?
A pie in the sky is an idiom that refers to getting unexpected benefits or being lucky. It originated from an old legend, which tells the story of a poor man who found a pie falling from the sky on his way, and his life became prosperous ever since. Therefore, this idiom is also often used to describe something unbelievable or unlikely to happen.
/a paɪ ɪn ðə skaɪ/
This idiom is often used to describe a hope, plan, or promise that is unlikely to be realized or unreliable. It can also be used to indicate something that only exists in imagination and cannot be achieved.
1. 她总是梦想着天上掉馅饼,但从来没有付出行动去实现。
She always dreams of a pie in the sky, but never takes action to make it come true.
2. 这个计划听起来像是天上掉馅饼,我们还是要有备选方案。
The plan sounds like a pie in the sky, we should have a backup plan.
3. 他们的承诺就像天上掉馅饼一样,不要指望它会实现。
Their promise is like a pie in the sky, don't count on it to come true.
4. 我们都希望能有一份月薪十万的工作,但这只是天上掉馅饼的幻想。
We all hope to have a job with a monthly salary of one hundred thousand, but it's just a pie in the sky.
5. 不要把所有希望寄托在那个项目上,那只是一个天上掉馅饼的想法。
Don't put all your hopes on that project, it's just an idea of a pie in the sky.
1. 梦幻般的好事(a dreamlike good thing):形容某件事情太美好以至于让人觉得不真实或无法实现。
2. 美梦成真(a dream come true):指某件事情实现了,尤其是之前被认为不太可能发生的事情。
3. 突如其来的好运(a stroke of luck):指某种幸运突然降临,通常是指在最需要的时候。
4. 胡说八道(a pipe dream):指某件不切实际或不可信的事情,类似于天上掉馅饼,但更带有贬义。
5. 没门(no way):表示某件事情根本不可能发生,与天上掉馅饼正好相反。