更新时间:2024-04-16 08:07作者:小编
英文释义:Tianxia weigong is a Chinese phrase that means "the world belongs to everyone". It emphasizes equality, justice and unity, highlighting the idea that every individual should be treated with respect and care regardless of race, gender, religion or social status.
二:怎么读(音标):/tjɛn ʃiɑː wei gʊŋ/
1. 作为一名领导者,你应该以天下为公的态度来对待每一个员工。(As a leader, you should treat every employee with the attitude of "the world belongs to everyone".)
2. 我们应该努力营造一个天下为公的社会,让每个人都能享受到平等的权利。(We should strive to create a society where "the world belongs to everyone", so that everyone can enjoy equal rights.)
3. 在这个,法律应该以天下为公的原则来制定,保障每个人的权利。(In this country, laws should be made based on the principle of "the world belongs to everyone", to protect the rights of every individual.)
4. 天下为公的理念也适用于国际关系,每个都应该被平等对待。(The concept of "the world belongs to everyone" also applies to international relations, where every country should be treated equally.)
5. 作为一个团队,我们应该以天下为公的来合作,共同实现我们的目标。(As a team, we should work together with the spirit of "the world belongs to everyone" to achieve our goals.)
1. 天下一家 (tianxia yijia):意思相同,强调团结和包容。
2. 天下大同 (tianxia datong):意思相同,强调平等和和谐。
3. 天人合一 (tianren heyi):意思相似,强调人与自然的和谐统一。
4. 众生平等 (zhongsheng pingdeng):意思相近,强调所有生命都应该被平等对待。