更新时间:2024-04-17 02:53作者:小编
峨嵋(拼音:é méi)是指四大名山之一,位于四川省乐山市峨眉山市境内,因山势险峻、气势雄伟而得名。它也是全国重点寺院之一,素有“天下第一名山”之称。此外,峨眉山还被列入了世界文化与自然遗产名录。
Éméi (pinyin: é méi) refers to one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China, located in Emeishan City, Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is named for its steep and majestic mountain range. It is also one of the most important Buddhist temples in China, known as the "Number One Mountain under Heaven". In addition, Mount Emei has been listed as a World Heritage Site.
1. 她的家乡就在峨嵋山脚下,每天都能看到壮观的日出。
Her hometown is at the foot of Mount Emei, where she can see the spectacular sunrise every day.
2. 她一直梦想着能够登上峨嵋山顶,感受那种高山仰止的气势。
She has always dreamed of climbing to the of Mount Emei and experiencing the awe-inspiring power of the mountains.
3. 峨嵋山的主峰金顶海拔3099米,是四川省最高峰之一。
The main peak of Mount Emei, Jinding, has an altitude of 3099 meters and is one of the highest peaks in Sichuan Province.
4. 每年有数以万计的游客来到峨嵋山朝圣,感受文化的魅力。
Every year, tens of thousands of tourists come to Mount Emei for pilgrimage and to experience the charm of Buddhist culture.
5. 在传统文化中,峨嵋山被视为道教和相结合的象征。
In Chinese traditional culture, Mount Emei is seen as a symbol of the combination of Taoism and Buddhism.
1. 峨眉(é méi):与“峨嵋”音近,也指代同样的名山。
2. 高耸险峻(gāo sǒng xiǎn jùn):形容山峰高大险峻,也可以用来形容其他高大的建筑或物体。
3. 气势雄伟(qì shì xióng wěi):形容景观壮观、气势雄伟,也可以用来形容人物的气度。