更新时间:2024-04-18 17:59作者:小编
How to pronounce: /duàn zhāng qǔ yì/
Usage: 断章取义通常用于批评某人对某一事物的理解不全面或不准确,也可以用来描述媒体报道中的失实情况。
1. 他总是喜欢断章取义,从而误解别人的意思。
He always likes to take things out of context and misunderstand others' meanings.
2. 这家报纸经常断章取义,让读者产生偏见。
This newspaper often takes things out of context, causing readers to have prejudices.
3. 请不要断章取义,要把整个故事听完再做判断。
Please don't take things out of context, listen to the whole story before making a judgment.
4. 媒体应该避免断章取义,以免误导公众。
The media should avoid taking things out of context to avoid misleading the public.
5. 这位作家被指责为了引起争议而故意断章取义。
This writer is accused of deliberately taking things out of context in order to stir up controversy.
Synonyms and usage: 断章取义可以用"歪曲"、"曲解"、"篡改"等词来表达。同义短语有"断章取义歪曲"、"断章取义曲解"等。在写作中,应该避免断章取义,要对原文进行全面的理解和正确的引用。
Editor's summary: 断章取义是一种错误的引用方式,容易导致误解和歪曲。在写作和阅读中,要避免这种做法,保持对原文的全面理解和正确引用。