更新时间:2024-04-21 00:59作者:小编
瘠己肥人(ji2 ji3 fei2 ren2)是一个成语,意为自己瘦弱而帮助他人变得富裕和强壮。它的本义是指一个人自己虽然贫穷或者身体虚弱,但却能够帮助他人获得财富和健康。
瘠己肥人的读音为ji2 ji3 fei2 ren2,其中“瘠”读作ji2,表示身体虚弱;“肥”读作fei2,表示富裕;“人”读作ren2,表示个人。每个字的发音都要清晰准确,语调平稳。
1. 他虽然自己生活拮据,却总是乐于帮助邻里解决困难,真是一位瘠己肥人。
Although he lived a frugal life, he was always willing to help his neighbors solve difficulties. He is truly a "瘠己肥人".
2. 她身体虚弱,却仍然坚持每天做义工,被称为社区中的瘠己肥人。
Despite her weak physical condition, she still insists on volunteering every day and is known as the "瘠己肥人" in the community.
3. 这位企业家不仅关心自己的利润,还积极帮助员工提升能力,他是一位真正的瘠己肥人。
This entrepreneur not only cares about his own profits but also actively helps his employees improve their abilities. He is a true "瘠己肥人".
4. 在这个团队中,虽然有些成员个人能力不强,但是因为有一位领导者的带领,大家都变得更加富裕和强壮。这位领导者真是一位瘠己肥人。
In this team, although some members have weak individual abilities, they all become more prosperous and strong because of the leadership of one person. This leader is truly a "瘠己肥人".
5. 作为一个的领导者,应该像一名瘠己肥人一样,在解决内部问题的同时也要关心其他的发展。
As a leader of a country, one should be like a "瘠己肥人", not only solving internal problems but also caring about the development of other countries.