更新时间:2024-04-21 08:09作者:小编
秋高气爽是一个成语,用来形容秋天的天气清爽宜人,气温凉爽,空气清新。它的英文翻译为"crisp and refreshing autumn weather"。
秋高气爽的读音为qiū gāo qì shuǎng(IPA:tɕʰjóu káu tɕʰì ʂwǎŋ)。
1. 秋高气爽的天气让人心情愉悦。(The crisp and refreshing autumn weather brings people joy.)
2. 漫步在公园里,感受着秋高气爽的微风拂过脸颊。(Taking a leisurely walk in the park, feeling the crisp and refreshing breeze on my cheeks.)
3. 这是一个秋高气爽的季节,让我们一起享受大自然的美好。(It's a season of crisp and refreshing autumn weather, let's enjoy the beauty of nature together.)
4. 秋高气爽的天气,适合户外运动和郊游。(The crisp and refreshing autumn weather is perfect for outdoor activities and outings.)
5. 随着秋天的到来,我们迎来了秋高气爽的季节。(As autumn arrives, we welcome the season of crisp and refreshing weather.)
1. 秋风送爽(qiū fēng sòng shuǎng):指秋天凉爽的风,也用来形容秋天的清新宜人。例句:"今天的秋风送爽,适合出门散步。"(The crisp autumn breeze today is perfect for taking a walk.)
2. 岁月静好(suì yuè jìng hǎo):指岁月平静美好,也可以形容秋天安静舒适的氛围。例句:"在这个岁月静好的季节,我喜欢坐在窗边看书。"(In this peaceful season, I like to sit by the window and read.)
3. 金风送爽(jīn fēng sòng shuǎng):指金色的秋风带来清凉舒适的感觉。例句:"金风送爽的季节是我最喜欢的季节。"(The season of golden autumn breeze is my favorite season.)