更新时间:2024-04-22 02:06作者:小编
英文:To be very clever and cautious in one's actions, good at planning, able to foresee and deal with various situations. This phrase is usually used to describe someone's wisdom and ability, especially when facing complex situations.
lǎo móu shēn suàn (laow mou shen suan)
1. 他在商场上总是老谋深算,从不轻易暴露自己的底牌。(He is always very cunning in the market, never revealing his bottom line easily.)
2. 这位老板非常老谋深算,在市场竞争中总是能够抢得先机。(This boss is very shrewd, always able to seize the initiative in market competition.)
3. 我们必须要小心应对这位老谋深算的竞争对手,否则很容易被他击败。(We must be careful in dealing with this cunning compe, otherwise we will easily be defeated by him.)
4. 他的老谋深算让他在斗争中屡战屡胜,成为了一方霸主。(His shrewdness has enabled him to win repeatedly in political struggles, making him a dominant force.)
5. 面对这位老谋深算的对手,我们必须要有充分的准备和应对策略。(In the face of this cunning opponent, we must be fully prepared and have countermeasures.)
1. 策略性(strategic):指根据特定目标制定的长期计划或行动方针,强调从整体上考虑和规划。
2. 谨慎(cautious):指做事谨慎小心,不轻易冒险。
3. 精明(astute):指具有敏锐的洞察力和判断力,能够迅速抓住关键问题。
4. 狡猾(crafty):指善于欺骗和耍花招,常常带有贬义。
5. 聪明(clever):指智力高,善于思考和解决问题。